Estimulação da Linguagem e da Memória – Volume 4: Treinamento Prático, 1st edition (PDF Book)
By Marjorie B. Courvoisier Hasson, Jussara Engel Macedo
Living with the cognitive difficulties faced by individuals with neurological impairment is a challenge not only for themselves and their families, but also for all professionals involved in their rehabilitation. Cognitive rehabilitation aims to enable patients and their families to live with, deal with, reduce or overcome the difficulties acquired as a result of a neurological condition. For speech therapists, the challenge is to be together with the patient and his family, stimulating, encouraging, researching, seeking the best way to recover skills and abilities of each one of them. This book is the result of the authors’ desire to increasingly improve care, seeking exercises and tasks that address the various levels of difficulty, as well as the various changes identified in each of them.
Product Details
- Publisher : Thieme Revinter; 1st edition (6 September 2017)
- Language : Portuguese
- Digital eBook : 190 pages
- ISBN-10 : 8567661811
- ISBN-13 : 978-8567661810