Economic Evaluation in Genomic and Precision Medicine (Translational and Applied Genomics) (PDF Book)
Genomic and Precision Medicine is a rapidly growing field and Economic Evaluation in Genomic and Precision Medicine offers an in-depth look at essential concepts, applications, and protocols related to economic evaluation in this field. The book is authored by Christina Mitropoulou, Sarah Wordsworth, James Buchanan, and George P. Patrinos, all leading international medical geneticists and health economists. It provides insights into effectively assessing different genomic care pathways, implementing cost-effective medical interventions, and improving the overall value of genomic and precision healthcare. Starting from foundational chapters to case studies, the book covers a range of topics such as economic analysis of genomic trial design, ethical considerations, health technology assessment of next-generation sequencing, economic policy in genomic medicine, and pricing and reimbursement in clinical genomics.
Product Details
- Publisher : Academic Press; 1st edition (May 8, 2023)
- Language : English
- File Size : 170 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0128133821
- ISBN-13 : 978-0128133828