Eco-Doppler Vascular: Guia Prático (PDF Book)
By Anne Long
Echo-Doppler is the preferred MRI exam in case of vascular disease. However, the fact that it is widely used does not mean that it is easy to learn. On the one hand, as the technique depends on an examiner, solid skills are needed to carry out the examination; on the other hand, interpreting it is a complex task and requires excellent bases in anatomy and hemodynamics, in addition to a good knowledge of vascular diseases. It addresses the two main types of Doppler ultrasound:- Peripheral (supra-aortic trunks, transcranial, upper limbs, hemodialysis, abdominal aorta, lower limbs);- Visceral (digestive arteries, portal network, renal arteries, renal transplantation). pedagogical effort, all chapters follow the same structure: anatomy, analysis techniques, normal results, pathological results, results after more frequent revascularization procedures, pitfalls and limits, essential data for the report. Technical aspects (adjustments, contrast products) are covered in specific chapters.
Product Details
- Publisher : Thieme Revinter; 1st edition (July 31, 2018)
- Language : Portuguese
- Digital eBook : 338 pages
- ISBN-10 : 855465112X
- ISBN-13 : 978-8554651121