Davis Advantage for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Making Connections to Practice (EPUB)
By Janice J. Hoffman PhD RN ANEF, Nancy J. Sullivan DNP RN
Davis Advantage for Medical-Surgical Nursing www.DavisAdvantage.com Instant Access: 978-0-8036-6037-3 Access Card: 978-0-8036-6038-0 2017 Winner of The International Awards for Nursing Excellence Recipient of the Capstone International Nursing Award Awarded by The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Awarded first place in the 2017 AJN Book of the Year Award in the Digital Products category Learn – Apply – Assess Davis Advantage Med-Surg is a comprehensive curriculum solution that creates a seamless learning experience across the Learn-Apply-Assess continuum. It combines an innovative text, Medical-Surgical Nursing: Making Connections to Practice, with two online programs, Personalized Learning Plans and Davis Edge for Med-Surg. Together, they create an immersive, multimedia experience that tracks each student’s progress and assesses their knowledge until they have mastered the concepts and are ready to apply them in class, clinical, and practice. LEARN The Textbook Medical-Surgical Nursing: Making Connections to Practice Janice Hoffman, PhD, RN, ANEF, Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, The George Washington University School of Nursing, Washington, DC Nancy Sullivan, DNP, RN, Assistant Professor/Simulations Director, Acute and Chronic Care, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing This student-focused, award-winning text connects the concepts students are learning in class to the real world in which they will practice. A consistent, streamlined organization and a wealth of pedagogical features promote critical thinking and clinical decision making by emphasizing the patient-centered role of the nurse and the hows and whys of clinical presentation and treatment plans for their patients. APPLY Personalized Online Learning Plans Personalized Learning Plans offer multiple paths to learning success. Students are assessed on their comprehension of key topics and then are given a plan to work through based on their strengths and weaknesses. Interactive case studies, animations and dynamic activities engage students and bring the concepts to life to help drive mastery. Click here to read the white paper. ASSESS Personalized Online Quizzing Davis Edge Med-Surg Davis Edge Med-Surg is the adaptive quizzing platform that uses NCLEX®-style questions for assessment and remediation. Its interactive, question-based format provides the practice students need to master course content and improve their scores on classroom exams through a series of personalized quizzes based on each student’s performance. A special code in the front of the book unlocks Personalized Learning Plan and Davis Edge for students, including an interactive ebook version of the text. See what instructors are saying… “Davis Advantage was easy to access, with pertinent information. Having students prep before class is essential to learning … [Davis Advantage is] concise and easy to read without going through paragraphs to obtain the information needed to understand the nursing process for a particular disease. Plus, rationales are included for improved understanding! Students want to know what is necessary to know. A clear, consistent format is helpful for them.” – Suzanne Carlson, RN, MSN, Instructor at Southwestern Community College “What I loved about Davis Advantage was the online supportive learning. The short video was packed with valuable information that appealed to the visual learner. The Q&A was great to validate key concepts; then there was the Personalized Teaching Plans for faculty that were an excellent source of an alternative classroom strategy. Loved the set-up!” – Frances Rice-Farrand DNP, APRN, CNS, CNE, Instructor at California State University “I like the focus on evaluation of nursing care, which is overlooked in many texts.” – Anne Hartman MSN, RN, Instructor Mount Mercy University “Students learn in different ways and just a text may not be enough. The animated mini-lecture was exceptionally good…the short video conveys the concepts quickly. The Personalized Learning Plan can help struggling students get difficult concepts.” – Susan Renda, DNP, ANP-BC, CDE, FNAP, Instructor at John Hopkins Also Available: Diseases and Disorders : A Nursing Therapeutics Manual, 5th Edition Looking to bundle your text with an EHR? Learn more here!
Product Details
- Publisher : F.A. Davis Company; First edition (August 9, 2016)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 1728 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0803644175
- ISBN-13 : 978-0803644175
Davis Advantage for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Making Connections to Practice (EPUB)
By Janice J. Hoffman PhD RN ANEF, Nancy J. Sullivan DNP RN
Davis Advantage for Medical-Surgical Nursing www.DavisAdvantage.com Instant Access: 978-0-8036-6037-3 Access Card: 978-0-8036-6038-0 2017 Winner of The International Awards for Nursing Excellence Recipient of the Capstone International Nursing Award Awarded by The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Awarded first place in the 2017 AJN Book of the Year Award in the Digital Products category Learn – Apply – Assess Davis Advantage Med-Surg is a comprehensive curriculum solution that creates a seamless learning experience across the Learn-Apply-Assess continuum. It combines an innovative text, Medical-Surgical Nursing: Making Connections to Practice, with two online programs, Personalized Learning Plans and Davis Edge for Med-Surg. Together, they create an immersive, multimedia experience that tracks each student’s progress and assesses their knowledge until they have mastered the concepts and are ready to apply them in class, clinical, and practice. LEARN The Textbook Medical-Surgical Nursing: Making Connections to Practice Janice Hoffman, PhD, RN, ANEF, Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, The George Washington University School of Nursing, Washington, DC Nancy Sullivan, DNP, RN, Assistant Professor/Simulations Director, Acute and Chronic Care, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing This student-focused, award-winning text connects the concepts students are learning in class to the real world in which they will practice. A consistent, streamlined organization and a wealth of pedagogical features promote critical thinking and clinical decision making by emphasizing the patient-centered role of the nurse and the hows and whys of clinical presentation and treatment plans for their patients. APPLY Personalized Online Learning Plans Personalized Learning Plans offer multiple paths to learning success. Students are assessed on their comprehension of key topics and then are given a plan to work through based on their strengths and weaknesses. Interactive case studies, animations and dynamic activities engage students and bring the concepts to life to help drive mastery. Click here to read the white paper. ASSESS Personalized Online Quizzing Davis Edge Med-Surg Davis Edge Med-Surg is the adaptive quizzing platform that uses NCLEX®-style questions for assessment and remediation. Its interactive, question-based format provides the practice students need to master course content and improve their scores on classroom exams through a series of personalized quizzes based on each student’s performance. A special code in the front of the book unlocks Personalized Learning Plan and Davis Edge for students, including an interactive ebook version of the text. See what instructors are saying… “Davis Advantage was easy to access, with pertinent information. Having students prep before class is essential to learning … [Davis Advantage is] concise and easy to read without going through paragraphs to obtain the information needed to understand the nursing process for a particular disease. Plus, rationales are included for improved understanding! Students want to know what is necessary to know. A clear, consistent format is helpful for them.” – Suzanne Carlson, RN, MSN, Instructor at Southwestern Community College “What I loved about Davis Advantage was the online supportive learning. The short video was packed with valuable information that appealed to the visual learner. The Q&A was great to validate key concepts; then there was the Personalized Teaching Plans for faculty that were an excellent source of an alternative classroom strategy. Loved the set-up!” – Frances Rice-Farrand DNP, APRN, CNS, CNE, Instructor at California State University “I like the focus on evaluation of nursing care, which is overlooked in many texts.” – Anne Hartman MSN, RN, Instructor Mount Mercy University “Students learn in different ways and just a text may not be enough. The animated mini-lecture was exceptionally good…the short video conveys the concepts quickly. The Personalized Learning Plan can help struggling students get difficult concepts.” – Susan Renda, DNP, ANP-BC, CDE, FNAP, Instructor at John Hopkins Also Available: Diseases and Disorders : A Nursing Therapeutics Manual, 5th Edition Looking to bundle your text with an EHR? Learn more here!
Product Details
- Publisher : F.A. Davis Company; First edition (August 9, 2016)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 1728 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0803644175
- ISBN-13 : 978-0803644175