Current and Future Application of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Medicine (PDF Book)
Current and Future Application of Artificial Intelligence in ClinicalMedicine presents updateson the application of machine learning and deep learning techniques in medicalprocedures. . Chapters in the volume have been written by outstandingcontributors from cancer and computer science institutes with the goal of providing updated knowledge to the reader. Topics covered in the bookinclude 1) Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in cancer diagnosis and therapy,2) Updates in AI applications in the medical industry, 3) the use of AI in studyingthe COVID-19 pandemic in China, 4) AI applications in clinical oncology(including AI-based mining for pulmonary nodules and the use of AI inunderstanding specific carcinomas), 5) AI inmedical imaging. Each chapter presents information on related sub topics in areader friendly format. The combination of expert knowledge and multidisciplinary approaches highlightedin the book make it a valuable source of information for physicians andclinical researchers active in the field of cancer diagnosis and treatment(oncologists, oncologic surgeons, radiation oncologists, nuclear medicinephysicians, and radiologists) and computer science scholars seeking tounderstand medical applications of artificial intelligence.
Product Details
- Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers; June 1, 2021
- Language: English
- ISBN: 168108841X
- ISBN: 9781681088426