by Carol Kneisl; Eileen Trigoboff (Author)
CONTEMPORARY PSYCHIATRIC-MENTAL HEALTH NURSING, 3/e is the most up-to-date, evidence-based, culturally competent, authoritative, and comprehensive resource for psychiatric-mental health nursing. The authors emphasize the importance of empathy and client empowerment, while providing the knowledge and clinical competence that psychiatric-mental health nurses can use to help diverse clients heal on both psychobiologic and spiritual levels. They prepare students to tailor and humanize interventions for traditional as well as “new” psychiatric-mental health clients encountered in forensic settings, homeless shelters, and in other community and rehab settings. Since advances in neuroscience and genetics are redefining the scientific understanding of mental disorders, the authors offer a solid grounding in psychobiology, including brain imaging assessment and new psychopharmacologic treatment options. This edition adds a full chapter on Recovery and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Strategies, and many new boxed features showing how psychiatric disorders are portrayed in the news and movies.
Product Details
Publisher: Pearson;
ISBN: 9780133463293
ISBN: 9780132557771
Copyright: 2013
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