Clinical Cases: A Step-by-Step Approach (PDF Book)
It is vitally important for medical students and junior doctors to grasp an understanding of ‘real-life medicine’. This innovative book of cases shows how a particular presentation may progress, and the different complications that may arise and emerge over time, which may be missed by the ‘snapshot in time’ approach taken by many problem-based volumes. The content reflects the average length of stay for a patient in hospital, in which their situation can change in a multitude of ways, and the management of chronic conditions may also need to be adapted as complications arise.
- Demonstrates the real bedside experiences that medical students can expect, in whichever simple or complex way that they may present
- Cases selected from a range of sub-specialties for comprehensive coverage across the curriculum
- Illustrates the complicated, progressive problems that will be seen while practicing as a doctor with detailed diagrams and diagnostic imagery to aid understanding
- Shows, with timepoints, how differential diagnoses may change as more information becomes available and new symptoms arise
- Describes a typical initial hospital stay, and subsequent presentations to the general practitioner and hospital readmission
The Authors
Andrew Solomon, BM BCH MA(Hons) DM FRCP, is a Consultant Physician, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, Stevenage, UK.
Julia Anstey, BSc (Hons) MBBS, is a Foundation Doctor, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, Taunton, UK.
Liora Wittner, MBBS BSc, is a Resident in Internal Medicine, Shamir Medical Centre, Be’er Ya’akov, Israel.
With contributions from
Priti Dutta, MBBS BSc FRCR, Consultant Radiologist, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
Product Details
- Publisher:CRC Press; 1st edition (April 12, 2021)
- Language:English
- Digital eBook:240 pages
- ISBN-10:0815367147
- ISBN-13:978-0815367147