By Siddharth Kanojia
The intricate web of healthcare, sustainability, and legalities has never been more significant or complex. Bridging Health, Environment, and Legalities: A Holistic Approach embarks on an enlightening journey through these interwoven domains, exploring their relationships and their pivotal role in shaping global well-being. Not merely content with the surface, this book navigates the complex terrain of health equity and access to care, unveiling the role of social determinants of health and their legal implications. It critically examines sustainable medical innovations, scrutinizing the legal and regulatory challenges in adopting and implementing groundbreaking medical advancements. Intellectual property rights and ethical considerations in medical research are carefully dissected, offering guidance on promoting sustainable medical breakthroughs through policy and law.
Product Details
Publisher : Medical Info Science Reference (January 29, 2024)
Language : English
Hardcover : 335 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8369311783
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