Atualização em Endoscopia Digestiva: Terapêutica Endoscópica dos Cólons e do Reto: Volume 1 (PDF Book)
By Luiz Leite Luna
In this volume, we seek to review the main therapeutic techniques performed through endoscopy in the colon and rectum. All authors are national, which demonstrates the strength of our endoscopy. In a condensed form, in an easy-to-handle volume, we have updated and practically exhausted the subject. In Chapter 1, Dr. Paulo Correa and collaborators, with abundant and beautiful iconography, review polypectomies and mucosectomies.
Product Details
- Publisher : Thieme Revinter; 1st edition (November 16, 2018)
- Language : Portuguese
- Hard cover : 310 pages
- ISBN-10 : 8554650352
- ISBN-13 : 978-8554650353