by Miljana Z. Jovandaric (Author)
In severe asphyxia, lipid peroxidation occurs. Neonatal lipid concentration may indicate the severity of asphyxia and be a reason for needing cooling therapy. Asphyxia in Neonates describes the results of research into the impact oxygen deficits in neonates. The physiological consequences of asphyxiated newborn infants include changes in the pH of plasma and changes in lipid concentrations. These changes can result in apoptosis, loss of cell membrane integrity, and damage to the brain. Features Reviews pathophysiology of asphyxia Describes the influence of asphyxia on lipids concentrations Summarizes the weight distribution of neonates with asphyxia based on lipid concentration Illustrates the use of lipids as an indicator of prognosis following asphyxia Provides guidance for lipids parameters in cooling therapy
Product Details
Publisher: CRC Press;
ISBN: 9781040009796
ISBN: 9781032387710
Copyright: 2024
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