Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Therapy (PDF Book)
Artificial intelligence has been utilized toautomate and improve various aspects of medical science. For radiotherapytreatment planning, many algorithms have been developed to better support planners.The book provides applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in radiationtherapy according to the clinical radiotherapy workflow. An introductorysection explains the necessity of AI regarding accuracy and efficiency inclinical settings followed by a basic learning method and introduction ofpotential applications in radiotherapy. Some chapters also include typicalsource codes which the reader may use in their original neural network.
This book would be an excellent text for moreexperienced practitioners and researchers and members of medical physicscommunities, such as AAPM, ASTRO, and ESTRO. Students and graduate students whoare focusing on medical physics would also benefit from this text.
Key Features:
- Systematic chapters are designed over the radiotherapy workflow.
- Describes in detail how AI contributes to a perspective in the futureradiotherapy.
- Typical source codes are included to implement a neuralnetwork.
- The book supports the reader as a developer of AI.
Product Details
- Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing; December 9, 2022
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9780750333375
- ISBN: 9780750333399
File Size : 11.2 MB