Anesthesiology 2022 Full Archives (True PDF)
Mission: Promoting scientific discovery and knowledge in perioperative, critical care, and pain medicine to advance patient care.
ANESTHESIOLOGY leads the world in publishing and disseminating the highest quality work to inform daily clinical practice and transform the practice of medicine in the specialty.
Journal Impact Factor: 9.198* — an increase of 16.5% and the highest in the journal’s history — with 5-year impact factor of 8.832 (vs 8.139 last year)
Journal Citation Indicator: 2.84*
(Learn more about this new, field-normalized measurement of journal citation impact here.)
Citation half-life: 11.6 years*
Founded in 1940, ANESTHESIOLOGY is the official journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists but operates with complete editorial autonomy. With an independent and internationally recognized Editorial Board. The broad dissemination of the research published in the journal includes an active social media program and additional tools designed to engage readers with the content.
Volume 136, Number 1
Volume 136, Number 2
Volume 136, Number 3
Volume 136, Number 4
Volume 136, Number 5
Volume 136, Number 6
Volume 137, Number 1
Volume 137, Number 2
Volume 137, Number 3
Volume 137, Number 4
Volume 137, Number 5
Volume 137, Number 6