Anatomy MCQs (Roger Dalton) (MOBI)
Roger Dalton (Author)
Based on the College of Emergency Medicine anatomy curriculum for the MCEM examination, this anatomy MCQ book contains 275 multiple choice questions. All anatomical regions are covered including head and neck, thorax, abdomen, upper limb and lower limb. The book contains comprehensive explanatory notes and is an invaluable resource for exam revision.
As well as trainee Emergency Physicians, the book will also be useful to medical students and doctors training in surgery, anaesthesia and medicine. It is the first MCQ revision book to be available on the Kindle. It can be used on the iPhone, iPod, iPad, Blackberry and Android devices using the Kindle app.
The author is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield (UK). He is the founder and course director of the Sheffield Emergency Medicine MCEM OSCE course, co-founder of MCEM International and advisor to the Leicester FCEM course.
Product Details
- Print Length: 198 pages
- Publisher: Kaird Press (February 15, 2012)