Alterazioni idroelettrolitiche e dell’equilibrio acido-base. Diagnosi e terapia (EPUB3)
By Michele Meschi, Simona Detrenis, Sabrina Musini, Giorgio Savazzi
The volume constitutes the ideal vademecum for the internist, summarizing within it the fundamental principles that guide the diagnosis and treatment of electrolyte alterations and acid-base balance imbalances, problems frequently encountered in daily clinical practice and which require a timely and effective intervention. Leaving the notional and theoretical treatment of these disorders to the in-depth and study texts, this Manual aims to outline the essential points and primary procedures, which should always guide the Doctor at the time of diagnosis. An initial theoretical chapter summarizes the fundamental concepts underlying the following three chapters, which instead address acid-base imbalances and electrolyte alterations through the interpretation of laboratory tests, diagnosis, clinic and treatment. Summary boxes, tables with the main reference values, calculation formulas and flow charts constitute the core of the volume, which can be consulted in an emergency or as a valid review of the fundamentals.Read more
Product Details
- Publisher: Edra (October 24, 2022)
- Language: Italian
- Digital eBook: 96 pages
- ISBN-10 : 8821457427
- ISBN-13 : 978-8821457425