Acute Medicine: Uncommon Problems and Challenges
Uncommon problems tend to be overlooked; they are usually difficult to diagnose and a challenge to manage. Acute Medicine: Uncommon Problems and Challenges gathers together all uncommon problems relevant to the treatment of seriously ill patients in a quick one-stop reference. Each topic contains both essential diagnostic and treatment information and discusses the implications for intensive care management, obviating the need to refer to specialized sources. The A-Z format with frequent cross-referencing aids rapid access to key information and cartoons throughout aid learning. Intensivists, anaesthetists, emergency specialists and a wide range of other healthcare professionals will find this an invaluable resource when faced with acute medical problems. From Abruptio placentae to Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, Acute Medicine: Uncommon Problems and Challenges will help you diagnose and manage the tricky acute problems you encounter in daily clinical practice.
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Book Description
About the Author
Product Details
- Digital eBook: 448 pages
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (July 11, 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0521189411
- ISBN-13: 978-0521189415