Acute Care Surgery in Geriatric Patients (ePub Book)
Product Details
- Publisher: Springer International Publishing; August 19, 2023
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9783031306501
- ISBN: 9783031306518
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Format : EPUB
File Size : 70.8 MB
This book provides a comprehensive review of geriatric acute care surgery, including assessment, diagnosis and management of trauma in older adults with comorbidities such as cognitive impairment and cardiovascular and pulmonary insufficiency. It covers treatment strategies for traumatic orthopedic, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal trauma, as well as sepsis, complications and critical care monitoring, nursing considerations, and outcomes and COVID management. It will be useful for physicians, medical students, residents, nurses, therapists, and researchers. It will be published by Springer International Publishing on August 19, 2023, and is available in English with ISBNs 9783031306501 and 9783031306518.
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