Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource (PDF Book)
By Brennan Spiegel MD MSHS, Hetal Karsan MD
Hepatology is an expanding field – it’s hard to keep up. The liver has been sitting there the whole time, but the knowledge surrounding this perplexing organ is exploding; this makes it hard to prepare for board and recertification exams, where 1 in every 4 questions pertains to hepatology. Until now, there has been no single, slim, but high-yield volume that summarizes the hepatology you need to know for the boards. This book has it nailed. The authors have collected every pearl of wisdom, high-yield factlet, liver “board buzzword,” hepatic micrograph, and classic liver imaging study they could muster, all while keeping the book a manageable size – because who has time for more than manageable when you’re busy?
The answer to your study questions (and study time!) can be found inside: Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource.
Traditional textbooks usually feature long and detailed discussions that are not directly related to Board and recertification exams. On the flip side, many Board review manuals provide lists and bullet points lacking sufficient background and context. Inside Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board Exam, Drs. Brennan Spiegel and Hetal Karsan present time-tested and high-yield information in a rational, useful, and contextually appealing format.
Why You Will Need to Read Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board Exam:
- Focuses exclusively on Hepatology review – an area that comprises 25% of the Board exam
- Carefully vetted board-style vignettes with color images
- Comprehensive yet succinct answers using a high-yield format
- Emphasis on key clinical pearls and “board buzzwords”
- Answers to classic board “threshold values” questions that you need to know but always seem to forget:
If an echinococcal liver cyst exceeds XX cm, then the risk of rupture is clinically significant and surgery is warranted
- Rapid fire crunch-time exam with 135 classic one-liners such as:
Spider web collaterals + caudate lobe hypertrophy = Diagnosis
Stepwise fever + temperature-pulse dissociation + rose spots + hepatitis = Diagnosis
With its focus on pearl after pearl, emphasis on images, and attention to high-yield “tough stuff” vignettes you don’t know the answers to (yet), Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board Exam is truly the ultimate crunch-time resource for acing often vexing liver section of the examination, taking recertifying examinations, looking good on clerkship rounds, or for just challenging yourself with interesting and entertaining vignettes.
Product Details
- ASIN : 1556429533
- Publisher : Slack Incorporated; 1st edition (August 1, 2011)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 280 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9781556429538
- ISBN-13 : 978-1556429538