Ace My Path: Handbook of Histotechniques (PDF Book)
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By Dr. Deepa Iyer Kotari MD, Dr Akanksha Gupta MD
The first edition of Ace My Path: Handbook of Histotechniques is an attempt to provide medical students, pathology residents, fellows, Cytotechnologists, and histotechnologists with a comprehensive, concise text for commonly used histological techniques.The thought of penning this book honestly occurred during the COVID pandemic, when we found a sudden change in the types of samples arriving at the pathology labs. Elective procedure samples substantially declined in all laboratories as emergency procedures took over. Our peers who worked places with minimal staff faced the wrath of the pandemic when the trained technologists who worked regularly could not make it to the lab and the fresh recruits needed training.Also, Histotechniques is a very important part of MD Pathology exit exams. There is a need for a book that has pictorial representations, flow charts in an easy-to-understand and implement format for the final MD practical examination.We have added sections of common IHC markers and frequently asked questions for grand viva which will help in last-minute revisionWe sincerely hope that our passion and enthusiasm for each subject will be reflected throughout this text and that the readers will find it helpful – not only for their MD Pathology exams but also during day-to-day practice. We welcome the input of our readers as we embark on this journey of learning and hope to incorporate their valuable feedback in our future editions.We wish you the greatest success as you study! -Ace my Path team
Product Details
- Publisher : Ace My Path; 1st edition (February 26, 2022)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 128 pages
- ISBN-13 : 979-8424194009
- ISBN-13 : 9798424194009