By Stephen Perrine
Un plan de 7 días para revertir la inflamación, sanar el intestino, mejorar la forma física y perder peso de forma fácil y sostenible en el tiempo. En Acaba con la inflamación en 7 días, el periodista y autor superventas Stephen Perrine explica por qué la inflamación crónica y un microbioma poco saludable son las causas subyacentes del aumento de peso y por qué las estrategias tradicionales de las dietas -reducir calorías, eliminar ciertos alimentos o comer en momentos específicos del día- acaban malogrando el objetivo de perder peso. El reto de 7 días que plantea Perrine no se limita a los alimentos «saludables» de siempre, sino que incluye gran variedad de alimentos de origen vegetal (verduras, frutas, cereales integrales, semillas, frutos secos, hierbas, legumbres…). Con el fin de hacerlo aún más fácil, este libro propone, además, decenas de recetas deliciosas y una combinación de cinco comidas y tentempiés (¡incluida la pizza!) para: * Mejorar la salud intestinal; * Desactivar los mecanismos que causan la inflamación; * Perder peso de una forma fácil y eficaz; * Reducir el riesgo de obesidad y las enfermedades relacionadas con ella; * Maximizar la forma física para mantenerse fuerte, vital y activo. * Disfrutar comiendo y olvidarse de las dietas. Acaba con la inflamación en 7 días proporciona la información y las estrategias necesarias para entender el problema, solucionarlo, sentirte genial y, sí, perder peso de una manera divertida, deliciosa y fácil.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONDiscover a groundbreaking new way of eating that can reverse inflammation, heal your gut, and improve your overall health, fitness and athletic performance—in just one week—while setting you on the path to easy, sustainable weight loss for life! Journalist and bestselling author Stephen Perrine reveals how in his intensely researched, yet simple and engaging new book, The Full-Body Fat Fix. With a unique blend of humor and science, Perrine explains how chronic inflammation and an unhealthy microbiome are the underlying causes of weight gain, and how classic “dieting” strategies—like cutting calories, eliminating certain foods or only eating during specific times—actually undermine our weight-loss goals. The new science of weight management is more exciting and delicious than we ever imagined. Simply by eating a greater variety of plant-based foods—at least 30 different plants each week, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seeds, nuts, herbs and legumes—and not getting stuck with the same old “healthy” foods again and again, science shows we can bring healing back to our guts, turn off the mechanisms that cause inflammation and reduce our risk of obesity and its related diseases. In Perrine’s hands, this trick is as easy as it is delicious, starting with “The Fire Fightin’ Five,” a yummy combination of five meals and snacks (including pizza!) that will give you 30 unique plants—effortlessly! And with his 7-Day Challenge, you’ll be able to track and maximize your dietary goals—and make a game out of healthy eating and weight loss. (How many different plants can you eat? Can you squeeze in more than your friends and family?) To make it even easier, dozens of recipes populate the book, each one as enticing as the next. Weight loss has never been as fun, as delicious, or as easy to enjoy.
Product Details
Publisher : Grijalbo; 001 edition (January 21, 2025)
Language : Spanish
Paperback : 320 pages
ISBN-10 : 8425368634
ISBN-13 : 978-8425368639
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