Wen Lu, MD; Tony Casina, MT(ASCP)SBB; Susan Johnson, MSTM, MT(ASCP)SBBCM; Heather Jorissen, MLS(ASCP)SBB; Jennifer O’Connor, MSTM, MLS(ASCP)CMSBBCM; and Heather Smetana, MLS(ASCP)CMSBBCM for the Transfusion Medicine Section Coordinating Committee
The identification of antibodies in patients with a reactive pretransfusion antibody detection test is a critical element of safety in blood transfusion. This instructive AABB Guide to Antibody Identification addresses three key areas: 1) routine testing and interpretation of the results, 2) additional testing, including guidance on what alternatives to use and when, and 3) situations that call for unusual antibody testing. Examples of the detailed content include:
Developing policies and procedures for antibody identification
How unexpected antibodies can be detected and identified
When to use different test methods (gel, tube, solid phase, etc)
What findings affect the decision to transfuse
Definitions for compatibility, incidence, detection vs screen vs panel, plasma vs serum, etc
And so much more!
With appendices containing case studies, useful examples of “ruling out,” and a compilation of relevant regulatory and accreditation requirements—the scope and depth of the content will appeal to many facilities and technologists. Whether a laboratory uses a single method for detection and identification or uses multiple panels and special methods, this resource will prove invaluable.
DIGITAL EDITION: AABB, 2021, digital, illus, 113 pages
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