100 Orthopedic Cases
Chad Cook
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100 orthopedics clinical cases address all regions of the body, helping instructors provide all the context their students need.
Many orthopedics educators struggle to find enough clinical cases to provide the context their students need. 100 Orthopedic Cases meets this need by providing cases for different regions of the body, with diverse and realistic complications and, in some cases, medical screening components. All assessments and treatments are based on available evidence from the literature, and some cases are based on case reports from the literature. Each case is organized to also permit its use in practical examination cases. After a primer on using the handbook and the elements of the orthopedics exam, students find cases on the cervical spine and temporomandibular Joint; the shoulder; elbow/wrist/hand; thoracolumbar spine and pelvis; hip, knee, lower leg, ankle, and foot, as well as additional miscellaneous cases. An online complement provides evidence-based rationales for all examinations and treatments.
Teaching and Learning Experience
This book will help orthopedics students gain practical, hands-on experience that depends their understanding of key concepts. It provides:
- Gives orthopedics students unprecedented opportunities for realistic review: Designed to support a wide variety of approaches to review, including role plays that enhance students’ psychomotor development
- Covers the full range of body regions, complications, and medical screening components: Supports a wide spectrum of orthopedics instructional content and program types
Product Details
- Digital eBook: 360 pages
- Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1 edition (June 24, 2015)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0133493768
- ISBN-13: 9780132653060